Group Code No. |
Combination of Subjects | |
501 | Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics | |
506 | Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology | |
599 | Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science, Maths | |
646 | History, Economics, Commerce, Accy., | |
603 | Computer science, Economics, Commerce, Accy., | |
544 | Economics, Commerce, Accy., Business Maths | |
558 | Computer Science, Commerce, Accy., Business Maths |
Top Ranker in
HONOURED BY ROTARY & INNER WHEEL CLUB OF ATTUR Selvi.J.ANU RITA has been Honoured by the members of the Inner Wheel Club of Attur for her out standing performance in X Std Matric Examination (1037/1100 - District First) |